Cough is a disease that is painful, because it is hard to perform usual activities. other than that the body hurts all. and when coughing in pain in children surely we as parents are concerned with decreasing body weight caused appetite is reduced. Cough various kinds. There cough caused by food allergies, coughs because of flu, coughs due to dust, cough medicine, and many other causes. But we must be good to see if it was a productive cough or dry cough, it usually has a different medication.
Cough affect appetite when on leave protracted and not immediately treated. There is one thing you need to know that there is a cough that you should not underestimate or ignore you.
- Cough That does not stop-stop accompanied by fatigue, chest pain, coughing up blood, hoarseness, or shortness of breath. If you like this cough immediately consult a physician
- Cough During the week but is accompanied by heartburn
- Cough Dry with shortness of breath
- Cough After taking medication
- Cough At night with mucus and his voice hoarse and wheezing sound
- Cough Accompanied by dry throat, flu and are lots and excessive phlegm
If your cough as above immediately consult a doctor and do not be considered small. Well if you have a cough with phlegm that may not be in suppression or in the press and stopped, and how to cure it. You have to seek special to cough up sputum containing mukolitik (functioning as a diluent phlegm) and expectorants (cough with phlegm), so that you dilute phlegm and can be cured. And also should take a supplement for immunity and helps in the healing of this productive cough. as:
Vitamin C, Horseradish, Garlic, Garlic and Honey.
If for some days productive cough accompanied by phlegm you do not heal or if you experience shortness of breath, high fever, wheezing, phlegm thicker / lot. then immediately take it and consult a doctor
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