Before we discuss how long it takes after treating gonorrhea may of you do not know the signs of this infectious disease gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is a disease transmitted directly from one person to another through body contact. either the transmission through saliva or through body contact, through food, blood transfusion, the same syringes that had been used by people who are already infected with gonorrhea. Gonorrhea can also be contracted to the child or children, if the baby is already infected with gonorrhea, it arises out of pus in the baby's eyes.
The signs of this disease gonorrhea can be detected through:
Symptoms often occur in men arise in less than 7 days after infection firus gonorrhea. Patients feel pain when urinating and proceed with the discharge of pus from the penis. yellow-green
But do not worry, because this disease can be treated with antibiotics and injections for 1 week.
Is gonorrhea can be transmitted to the fetus in pregnant women? The answer is yes.
How long does it take for gonorrhea went after treatment?
Infectious disease gonorrhea can be cured in a short time and long, it depends on the antibiotic drugs used to treat gonorrhea this.This Go in because bacteria are bacteria that can adjust to a chemical drug that makes a drug chemically resistant to disease Gonore.Tetapi if you can choose the right medication for gonorrhea it is not less than a week gonorrhea you will be lost and recovered.
Prior to treatment does not hurt you to see things the following:
Search for gonorrhea treatment guidelines, dose treatment of gonorrhea, treatment for gonorrhea of the throat, gonorrhea and chlamydia treatment, how long the shot gonorrhea take to work on disease Gonorrhea Hopefully this article useful and may be material in the search for alternative drugs you gonorrhea, if beneficial ask distributed to your friends in social media. Thank you
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