Full address and telephone number southern ocean manahawkin medical center nj:
Source list southern ocean medical center phone number :
Southern Ocean Medical Center
1140 Route 72 West
Manahawkin, NJ 08050
Main Phone: 609-597-6011
Meridian Health Line & Physician Referral: 1-800-560-9990
Guest Services Department: 609-978-3101
Emergency Department: 609-597-6011 x2205
Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222
Administration: 609-597-6011 x2047
Admissions: 609-597-6011 x2994
Anesthesia Services: 609-597-6011 x2277
Balance Center: 1-800-632-6807
Bariatrics Center: 609-978-3202
Business Office: 609-978-3900
Cancer Center: 609-978-3429
Cardiac Rehabilitation: 609-978-3043
Cardiology Services: 609-597-6011 x2443
Clinic: 609-978-8959
Diabetes Services: 609-978-3533
Diabetes Self-Management Program: 609-978-3491
Dialysis Services: 609-597-0483
ElderMed: 609-978-3559
Emergency Services: 609-597-6011 x2205
Endoscopy Services: 609-978-3809
Family Resource Center: 609-978-3559
Foundation Office: 609-978-3081
Gift Shop: 609-597-6011 x2085
Guest Services Department: 609-978-4187
Health Village Imaging: 609-660-XRAY
Hearing Services: 609-978-8946
Human Resources: 609-597-6011 x2308
Hyperbaric Medicine & Wound Care Center: 609-978-3371
Imaging Services: 609-597-6011 x4237
Incontinence Center: 609-978-3400
Interventional Radiology & Vascular Lab: 609-597-6011 x2443
Joint Health Center: 609-978-3400
Laboratory & Pathology Services: 609-597-6011 x2168
Lifeline: 1-800-655-2555
Maternity Services: 609-978-3163
Medical Records: 609-597-6011 x2121
Meridian At Home: 1-800-655-2555
Nursing Administration: 609-597-6011 x2055
Orthopedic Services: 609-978-3400
Pain Management Services: 609-978-3400
Pastoral Care: 609-597-6011 x2373
Patient Information: 609-597-6011 x2083
Pediatric Services: 609-978-3400
Pharmacy: 609-978-3105
Physical Therapy: 609-978-3110
Public Relations & Marketing: 609-978-3108
Pulmonary Rehabilitation: 609-978-3001
Pulmonary Services: 609-978-3430
Rehabilitation Services: 609-978-3400
Sleep Medicine Center: 609-597-6011 x2515
Southern Ocean Center for Health - Forked River: 609-693-9300
Southern Ocean Center for Health - Little Egg Harbor: 609-812-1001
Social Services / Case Management: 609-597-6011 x2130
Speech & Language Pathology Services: 609-597-6011 x2093
Stroke Services: 609-978-3400
The Ocean Club Fitness Center: 609-978-2244
Transitional Care Unit: 609-597-6011 x4141
Volunteer Services: 609-597-6011 x2040
Women's Health: 609-978-3400
Women's Imaging Center: 609-978-8900, extension 4232
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