The decline in birth trauma

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Birth trauma birth trauma with little difference. If the birth trauma is the birth of the newborn that occur because of trauma disorders as a result of action or mode of delivery which is caused by abnormalities in physiological childbirth.

While the birth trauma is a newborn disorder that occurs as a result of birth trauma aspect of action and mode of delivery or delivery disruptions caused by physiological abnormalities labor. In fact almost the same. But it refers to the level of safety and health of the babies to be born with a normal birth and his inner.

Based on research, the incidence of such birth trauma in the last few years shows a declining trend. This in because of the many technological advances in the medical field and the field of obstetrics. As well as consideration indication of possible difficulties of having a baby.

As for the kinds of birth trauma, among others:

  • Nervous system disorders
  • Paralis brachial plexus
  • Phrenic nerve paralysis
  • Damage to the spinal cord
  • Voice Paralysis Ribbons

  • Abnormalities Broken Bones
Skull fractures
Clavicle fractures

Humerus fractures

Femur fractures

  • Jaringan lenient

kaput succedaneum

bleeding Subafoneurosis

Sternokleido-mastoid muscle trauma

bleeding Subkunjungtiva

Fat tissue necrosis of subcutaneous

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