Symptoms of prostate cancer and its treatment

Symptoms of prostate cancer and its treatment
Not all prostate enlargement are affected by prostate cancer, but it could be because of age who are getting older, it could be due to other things. To diagnose cancer whether or not to use the main diagnosis tool for the examination through the rectum, as well as the examination of the level of PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood as well as it could be with ultrasound examination via the rectum or TRUS.

To prevent prostate cancer there are things that need to be noticed, namely:
  • Always Maintaining health
  • Always maintain body weight
  • Increase consumption of water
  • Reduce depression
  • Fixed regular exercise
  • Eat less meat, as well as excess fat

As you can do to prevent prostate cancer, that is by eating a healthy and nutritious as well to balance the body through exercise to stay healthy. The foods include: Tomatoes, broccoli, green tea, nuts and soy, pomegranate and many more foods that are good for the prevention of prostate cancer.

Prevent immediately before it is too late.

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